Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yunwoo 3 weeks old

Baby Yunwoo's very first youtube video!  He is now 3 weeks old and weighs almost 10 ibs~! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Almost 3 weeks old!

Auntie Jasmine & Johnny came to visit Yunwoo today!  He always falls asleep while drinking his milk! ^_^ sleepy head just like mommy

Screening Test 고고씽!

2 weeks old "Newborn Screening Test"

Yunwoo went to go get his Newborn Screening test (state law).  Poor Yunwoo... he had to get his blood drawn from his feet because that's how they take out blood for newborns.  He was being such a big boy and didn't cry at all!

Father like son ♥
Both fell asleep after a long day ^_^

2 weeks old

Yunwoo selca ^^

Yunwoo has *smiling eyes *  눈웃음 ^^

1 week old

*wink wink*  Yunwoo is already winking at ya! ^^  1 week old at this time.. doesn't he look a lot older!? hehe

Tiny little feet!  Yunwoo's feet and mommy's feet ^_^

Yunwoo's First Bath!

Daddy gave Yunwoo his first sponge bath today!  At first he didn't like it much (as you can see), but later he actually enjoyed it!  Now he LOVES to take baths!  I think he was crying at first because he was cold ^^.  His belly button looks huge in this picture because it's his dead umbilical cord (black).. which will fall off in about 10 days.  Until then, the doctor said to only give him sponge baths.  He will get to do a full tub bath once his umbilical cord falls off! ^^

Time to go home!

FINALLY~ after 4 long days at the hospital, Yunwoo is finally going home!

Yunwoo LOVES his orbit carseat!  He fell asleep as soon as we placed him in there!

As soon Yunwoo got home, he fell asleep as soon as he was placed in his crib.  He LOVES his crib hehe ^^

Yunwoo finally here!

Yunwoo was born September 26, 2012 at 8:20 AM.  He was such a BIG baby! No wonder mommy's belly was so huge and heavy!  He was 21.5 inches and 8.4 ibs!
Mommy Angel had to do an emergency c-section due to complications during labor.  At 8 cm dilated, Yunwoo's heartrate suddenly dropped during each contraction.  He was not getting enough oxygen, so the doctor said that a c-section must be done now for the health of the baby.  Thank GOD that he was born healthy!

This picture of Yunwoo was taken as SOON as he came out into this world!  His very first picture! =)

Daddy Aiden holding Yunwoo~ trying to put him to sleep.  He loves his daddy!

Always sleeping and smiling ^^ 뿌잉 뿌잉!

Sleeping Prince ♥

Friday, September 14, 2012

Yunwoo 4d Sonogram

These 4d Sonogram pictures of Yunwoo were taken at 30 weeks... which was 8 weeks ago!  Do you think he looks more like mommy or daddy? ^^ 우리연우 30주에 찍은 4d 사진들입니다~~! 아이구 귀엽네요 ^^

Yunwoo's Blog Opened!

Hey everyone! This is Angel & Aiden (mommy & daddy)!  We finally made a blog for baby Aiden "Yunwoo" where we will post pictures and vlogs of him!  You can watch him grow up.  He also has a youtube channel, so please subscribe if you haven't done so!  Yunwoo will be here in less than 2 weeks.  We are both really excited and can't wait for him to be here!